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现在有很多植物可追溯系统. When selecting and implementing a system how do you know which is the right system for your plant? In this article we will look at how to select and implement the right traceability system. 选择和实施正确的系统需要考虑很多因素. 因素包括, 公司文化, 员工流动率, 项目的复杂性, and project management can all directly affect the outcome of a project. 大多数项目都以乐观的态度开始, but that optimism can fade fast when the reality of implementing a plant traceability system sets in. In 拉菲2在线登录注册’s 30+ years of experience a few keys to success have become clear. 第一个, 你必须花时间确保你选择了正确的解决方案, 其次, you’ve got to prepare for the pitfalls that come up in every project implementation. 让我们更深入地了解这两个领域.
注重伙伴关系 – In a commodity sale the solution is selected based on the lowest price. 植物可追溯系统不是商品. It is a complete solution that is tailored to each specific plant’s needs. 虽然价格在某种程度上总是一个因素, the more important focus should be on selecting a vendor that you feel comfortable partnering with. Be prepared to move past the vendor/customer relationship and create a partnership with the solution provider. 协议的实施对双方来说都是一项艰巨的任务. Having a partnership will create effective lines of communication between both sides. 通过采用新的植物可追溯系统, the plant is effectively committing to that vendor for the long-term. Once the project is completed the plant will rely on that company for software and hardware support, 拉菲2注册登录更新和维护, 以及其他项目或产品增强. Creating a partnership will ensure not only a successful implementation but a successful relationship moving forward.
构建正确的解决方案 It’s important to remember that no two processing facilities operate the same way. 因此, every solution implementation is as unique as the facility and processing operation itself. 请解决方案专家评估工厂当前的工艺流程, 工厂布置, and general business structure will provide valuable information that will be 要求 to make sure the solution is properly tailored to fit the plant’s needs. Don’t believe the “out-of-the-box solution” myth regarding traceability. No matter which plant traceability solution is selected it will need to be configured, 修改, and enhanced to fit the unique requirements of each processing plant.
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降低复杂性 -保持简单! All too often plants bite off more than they can chew and find themselves with a project scope that is insurmountable. Adding complexity to the scope of a project from the very beginning will drastically reduce the probability of a successful implementation. 项目的复杂性增加了预算, 它增加了整个项目的时间表, 它增加了员工培训需求, 它还会降低员工的士气. 拉菲2在线登录注册’s Symphony System was built with a modular approach. This allows customers reduce the initial impact they are introducing to their plant environment. Once the base modules have been installed and have been in operation customers can add additional software modules to expand their system.
创建项目目标 – When selecting and implementing your system, have clear project goals from the very beginning. Understand the pain points of the plant and make sure the new plant traceability system is a solution to those pain points. As the project is underway make sure there are clear project deliverables and dates. This will help ensure the project stays on track and that there are no surprises as the project gets into the final stages.
主动避免陷阱 – No matter who the new system provider is or how 有经验的 and mature their software applications are, there will always be bumps and hiccups along the implementation road. 做好准备,做好相应的计划! By proactively anticipating common project pitfalls many of those pitfalls can be avoided. 一些最常见的陷阱包括:
- 过程变更 –With the new system a decision will need to be made regarding existing processes. 哪些过程值得保留? 工厂准备好改变一些流程了吗? Much of the pain associated with process change can be avoided by having a plant environment that is adaptable and able to change.
- 员工参与和培训 – An in-house project champion is the key to any successful implementation. 人的本性是抗拒变化. A project champion will help rally employee buy-in and increase employee morale. Engage the solution provider to train the champion and then utilize the champion to train the plant staff. This method enables the champion to train plant staff at their own pace.
- 时间轴的问题 – Timeline issues can become an unnecessary burden on any project if implementation timelines are not realistic. The successful implementation of a plant traceability system will rely heavily on the amount of time and effort that the plant’s project champion or internal project team can dedicate. Set realistic timelines and goals that encourage a successful “go-live.”
A plant traceability system is going to be at the center of your plant operations. 选择有能力的人, 有经验的, and reliable solution vendor will drastically reduce the implementation risks. Check out our blog next month to see how a plant traceability system will provide ROI far beyond traceability.
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